CMS has upped the game when it comes to SNF Value-Based Purchasing. By 2028, there will be 8 measures that facilities will have to perform well on in order to retain some or all of the 2% withhold. Providers will need to understand measures as well as the scoring method and health equity adjustment. This presentation will help providers get up to speed.

Joel VanEaton, BSN, RN, RAC-CT RAC-CTA
Master Teacher
Executive Vice President of PAC Regulatory Affairs and Education at Broad River Rehab
One of only 33 AANAC-certified Master Teachers, Joel is at the forefront of understanding Medicare and Medicaid policymaking and how it will affect the SNF directly. He began his career in LTC more than 20 years ago as an MDS coordinator and worked for many years as the Director of Clinical Reimbursement and RAI for a group of nursing facilities in the southeast. Joel has contributed to McKnight’s LTC News and is the AAPACN Leader for the NAC. He currently serves on the AAPACN Expert Advisory Panel and as a board member of the AAPACN Education Foundation. Joel also presents regularly on all subjects related to state and federal regulation, the MDS, and clinical reimbursement.