
CSC Outcomes Congress (March 26, 2024)

The Qsource Culture of Safety Center Civil Monetary Penalty Project Outcomes Congress presentation demonstrates the positive outcomes associated with collaboratives across the state of Tennessee. Throughout the four-year project, the LTC Division assisted three separate collaboratives (West, Middle, and East) on high risk initiatives to improve the quality of care and life of the resident population they serve. These high risk initiatives include pressure ulcers, falls and falls with major injury, antipsychotic medication reduction, and staffing retention.

Are You Ready for the New SNF VBP?

CMS has upped the game when it comes to SNF Value-Based Purchasing. By 2028, there will be 8 measures that facilities will have to perform well on in order to retain some or all of the 2% withhold. Providers will need to understand measures as well as the scoring method and health equity adjustment. This presentation will help providers get up to speed.

Antipsychotic Medication use in Nursing Homes

Guest speaker Jonathan Pouliot, MS, PharmD, BCPS, Associate Professor Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, speaks on Understanding antipsychotic medication use in the Nursing Home, “when they can be helpful and when they may not”, and “offers strategies on how to reduce the antipsychotic medication”. The learning objectives of the program include the following:

  1. Distinguish between on-label and off-label uses of medications with a focus on antipsychotics
  2. Review antipsychotic medications and their use in practice
  3. Examine the role of antipsychotics in the long-term care setting
  4. Analyze the risks associated with antipsychotic use in long-term care
  5. Understand the concept of gradual dose reduction (GDR) and it use to manage antipsychotic

Significant Change of Status Webinar

With section G’s removal from MDS 3.0 v1.18.11, the residual implications are far-reaching. On Sept. 20th. CMS released QSO-23-21-NH describing these significant changes. Along with this memo, CMS released updated versions of the 5-Star User’s guide and the Quality Measures User’s Manual detailing the specific technical specifications to the quality measures and staffing star calculations. In this presentation, we will break these revisions apart so you will walk away with a better understanding of what to expect as these changes take effect.

Download Handout: QM Compare Table

Additional Webinars on Qsource.org

Care Coordination Series: Hospitals and Nursing Home Settings

In the first part of our three part Care Coordination series, our panelists will discuss care coordination needs for hospital and nursing home settings.

Watch here

Pneumococcal Disease: Updates on Symptoms Complications and Prevention Webinar

This webinar will discuss the impact of Pneumococcal Disease in adults and include updated information on pneumococcal vaccines for adults as well as providing resources to determine who needs a pneumococcal vaccine and when.

Watch here

Recruitment and Retention Webinar

In this interactive learning event, Neha Patel, a seasoned Nursing Home Administrator, will share tips for staff recruitment and retention, including interviewing techniques and recommendations to develop a morale committee and employee council.

Watch here

Situational Awareness Webinar

This presentation will guide you through the steps to better understand situational awareness, including how to read your environment, adapt to changes, and act accordingly. In this meeting, you will:

  • Learn how to be aware of your surroundings and process potential dangers.
  • Learn the steps to be situationally aware.
  • Learn the various stages of mindset and awareness.

Watch here

CMS Five Star Rating: Health Inspection Domain

TN Culture of Safety Center Collaborative – CMS Five Star Rating: Health Inspection Domain

Watch here

CMS Five Star Staffing: Unravelling the Staffing Domain

Staffing in nursing homes has a substantial impact on the quality of care and outcomes that residents experience. There is a direct correlation between staffing and quality of care. This webinar discusses staffing and the impact to residents in nursing homes and the long-term care survey process.

Watch here

Driving Quality Measure Improvements | Part 1: Initiating Improvements

Learn about the quality measures used by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for long-term care facilities.

Watch here

Antipsychotic Medication use in Long Term Care Part 1

Learn background information on the use of antipsychotic medications in long-term care facilities and understand the critical care element pathway.

Watch here

Antipsychotic Medication use in Long Term Care Part 2

Learn how antipsychotic medications are coded on MDS, why it is important in driving quality measures, and how to sustain success in long-term care facilities

Watch here

PDSA Cycle

The PDSA cycle is four-stage model used for planning a test of change (Plan), carrying out the test (Do), observing the results (Study), and acting on what is learned (Act). View this webinar to learn how the PDSA cycle tool can be conducted as part of a performance improvement project (PIP) to test if a change leads to an improved outcome.

Watch here

QAPI Requirements & Implementation

This webinar provides guidance on the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement (QAPI) requirements and implementation steps for an effective QAPI program in the Long-Term Care environment.

Watch here

Psychosocial Effects on Healthcare Professionals

This webinar reviews description of the effects of social isolation in healthcare professionals and provides an overview of a social well-being preparedness guide for healthcare professionals to manage isolation effects.

Watch here